Elder Forum

“You, the soul, are eternally young. Impress that thought on your consciousness: ‘I am the soul, a reflection of ever-youthful Spirit. I am vibrant with youth, with ambition, with power to succeed.’”

— Sri Daya Mata,
Self-Realization Magazine

The Elder Forum seeks to complement the sadhana of elder devotees of 50+ years through activities based in spiritual attunement, fellowship, and service. We hold regular monthly meetings, sharing selected SRF writings and reflecting on them with other devotees.

Elder Forum Website - Community

Join Us for Readings and Reflections

As we age, we feel a new urge to prioritize our sadhana. The Elder Forum provides a nurturing environment for spiritual fellowship. We hold regular SRF and YSS member-led meetings for devotees 50 years of age and older called Readings and Reflections. In these meetings we share divine fellowship with other truth-seeking souls based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Participants share, listen, and support fellow devotees.

“One should spend the last part of life in meditating deeply most of the time; and, through the wisdom and spirituality thus acquired, in rendering social and spiritual service to others.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda

Readings and Reflections  Testimonials

Elder Forum Website - Man Pranaming
Elder Forum Website - Lotus on Lily Pads

In Development

In 2021, the Elder Forum conducted a survey to learn more about how the program can support the needs of SRF and YSS members as they age. Based on the feedback of approximately 1,000 devotees, new programs in development for 2023 are Introspective Writing and Spanish Fellowship and Reflections. We will update this page as those become available.

Inspired to Volunteer?

Log in to the SRF/YSS Volunteer Portal, then look for service opportunities that kindle your interest.